More Able Programme
At Collingwood College we aim to ensure that our most able students receive learning opportunities that allow them to fulfil their potential and excel in their specialist areas as well as other aspects of the curriculum.
Additionally, we hold a whole College 'More Able' register which lists those students with exceptional academic potential.
Criteria for identification is as follows:
Years 7 and 8
The top 10% of MidYIS score.
No Key Stage 2 data due to COVID.
Years 9 and 10
The top 10% of MidYIS scores in the year group or the top 10% of Key Stage 2 results (SATS)
Year 11
A score of above 120 in the MidYIS tests.
Provision for Our More Able Students in Lessons
We believe that all students need to receive an appropriate level of stretch and challenge in their lessons and of course this is particularly important for our more able students. Strategies for providing this challenge in lessons include differentiation, provision of extension activities and development of Leadership and Independent.
Enrichment and Extra Curricular Provision for Our More Able Students
We are fortunate to be able to offer a variety of additional opportunities for our more able students outside of lessons. These include after College enrichment sessions, trips, external visitors, competitions, productions and access to holiday schools. We also provide aid with Oxbridge applications in the Sixth Form which have proven to be successful over the years.
Over the last few years we have been working with Wellington College in Crowthorne, the University of Surrey in Guildford and Royal Holloway University in Egham to provide opportunities for our more able students. These have ranged from Careers advice to subject-specific days.