26 January 2022
Confirmation that, as from tomorrow, face coverings are not required to be worn in communal areas or classrooms. Of course, if students still wish to wear one then they can do so.
We expect all other current measures (i.e. suspension of assemblies and large gatherings) to remain in place until at least half term, by which point the impact of the recent loosening of restrictions will be clearer and updated guidance may have been issued at a national and local level. Of course, I will notify you as soon as any decisions about further changes to the measures in place at the College are taken.
I do expect the guidance to continue to allow schools, in consultation with Public Health, to reintroduce any measures that they feel are necessary to deal with local outbreaks and therefore I would ask that face coverings are kept available for the possibility that they might be needed again in the future, if the situation requires it. Needless to say, we will continue to monitor the absence data for staff and students closely.
Year 7 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 3 February
A reminder that this event will be run remotely. I am sure all parents will understand the need for this decision given the national and Surrey situation in terms of the Omicron variant.
Year 9 Options Evening
My apologies to those parents/carers who were unable to access the Options video on Thursday. This was due to a technical issue that we were unaware of until the following morning. If you haven’t done so already, please do watch the video with your child so that you can support them with this important process.
A plea to those parents who use their cars to transport their children to College
Please can I ask all parents who drive their children to College to be particularly careful around the front of Barossa and Kingston buildings at the start and end of each day. This week we have had a number of cars travelling over the speed limit and parking inconsiderately towards our local neighbours.
I am sure we would all agree that the safety of our students is paramount and therefore I would respectfully ask drivers to be particularly careful around our site at key drop-off and pick-up times.
My thanks in advance for your support in this matter.
Mr Tanner - Principal