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A High Performing Specialist Academy for Technology & Applied Learning


Page 2

  • Status Racing News ..

    Since the last news item, a lot has happened in the world of Status Racing.

  • Collingwood Musicians Play at Frimley Lodge Coronation Event

    On Sunday 7 May, four of our talented musicians opened the Coronation event at Frimley Lodge Park, Frimley Green.

  • Excellent Results for Status Racing at First Race of Season

    A quick update on our Status Racing Greenpower Team which competed at the first race of the season at Mallory Park Race Circuit on Monday 24 April. 

  • Collingwood Celebrates Diversity

    The week commencing Monday 17 April we celebrated Diversity Week at Collingwood College! 

  • Debating News ...

    On Saturday 18 March our Collingwood debaters competed at the Cambridge Union with great success!

  • Spectacular 'Six' Wows Audiences

    Last week at Collingwood College, the whole school production took place across four days, with a total of six shows being performed.

  • Mr Gove Visits Collingwood

    The local MP for Surrey Heath, Mr Michael Gove, visited Collingwood on Friday to listen to GCSE Citizenship students lobby on an issue that they cared about.. They gave presentations on a range of issues as part of the Active Citizenship element of their GCSE.  

  • Six: Teen Edition Opens Tonight - 13 March!

    The wait is over! Collingwood Productions of Six: Teen Edition is finally here!

  • Local Author Visits Year 7 Students

    On Wednesday 22 February, our Year 7 students had the pleasure of a visit from Kerry Gibb, a local author from Camberley, who has written six books so far.

  • Debating News

    On Saturday 11 February, Collingwood competed in the toughest regional round of the Cambridge Union schools debating competition.

Curriculum Information